The following principles help create balance and authenticity in relationships with people and companies I work with.

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I believe that passion and purpose should be driving forces behind everything we do.

They allow us to be excited about what we create and, at the same time sense, that what we work on has an impact and is meaningful to others. If we create environments where people derive meaning from their work and have the autonomy to make their own decisions (and mistakes) – the magic happens.

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I believe in the power of collaboration and leveraging everyone’s talents and diversity.

People’s skills are enhanced by their personality and how they perceive and see the world. Creativity and effectiveness multiply if we see them as who they are and foster relationships built on openness, trust, and a common purpose.

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I believe in co-creation and applying human-centric principles for design.

Design and its tools can’t help with every challenge the world throws our way. But if we bring together the right people, listen carefully, and apply our methods appropriately, we can ask the right questions and tackle problems that matter.

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